I want to join. What do I need to do?
New enrollments will now be accepted on the first Tuesday and Friday quarterly.
- All new students must wait to start with the new class and then join the rest of the group when the instructor feels it is appropriate.
- Each student will be required to learn and pass all instructions for beginners such as tying your belt, manners, judo terms, dojo rules, exercises, breaking falls (u-ke-mi) and basic throwing forms.
- Each beginning class will last approximately 3-4 weeks depending on instructor.
What are attendance guidelines?
- All classes begin promptly at 7pm. It is the students’ responsibility to check-in with the “Attendance Officer” prior to the start of class.
- Students must be on the mat participating to be counted.
- A parent or responsible person should remain at the club (dojo) during class for students who are minors.
What is expected of me as a parent?
- Parents play a vital role in the improvement and performance of your kids. Parents should promote physical conditioning at home and limit “dead time” such as television, videos games, etc.
- Parents should maintain a healthy nutritional environment for their kids. Please watch your kids’ diet as they will have a harder time in judo should they be out-of-shape.
- Parents are also required to participate in all fundraisers for Norwalk Judo Dojo (ie. Summer Obon Carnival, Pancake Breakfast, Mochi-tsuki, etc.).
- Keep in mind that ALL INSTRUCTORS are here on a voluntary basis teaching your kids and thus is not a babysitting service.
- This is really a team effort and would appreciate everyone’s participation.
How are promotions to higher ranks determined?
- All novice students will start as a white belt. Upon successful completion of the requirements, attitude, attendance, and tournament record, promotions will be awarded by the head instructor, Uyekawa sensei.
- Future promotions are based on time-in-grade and technical knowledge.
- Time-in-grade between promotions can be reduced based on competition points earned.
- Technical proficiency is based on the student demonstrating his or her ability to perform techniques.
- All promotions are subject to the sensei’s judgment as to the judoka’s ability to enter a higher rank.
Judo rankings:
- Yonen (12 and under): White • yellow • orange • green • blue • purple. When you turn 13 (shonen), you will go down 2 colored belts.
- Shonen (13-17): white • yellow • orange • green • blue • purple • brown • black.
- Seinen (17 and up): white, green, brown, and black. Of course, skipping belt ranks do happen and is up to the head instructor.
- Brown & Black belts: There are 3 ranks within brown belts. From lowest to highest: 3rd tier (san-kyu), 2nd tier (ni-kyu), and 1st tier (ik-kyu). You must earn 12 tournament points at each level to get promoted to the next rank.
Once you earn black belt status, the ranks go as follows. 1st degree (sho-dan), 2nd degree (ni-dan, 3rd degree (san-dan), 4th degree (yon-dan), 5th degree (go-dan), 6th degree (ro-ku-dan) 7th degree (shi-chi-dan) and so on.
How do you determine technical knowledge?
Periodically (as needed) students will be tested and must demonstrate the techniques required for the next belt ranking. There will be training for students preparing for the test. However, it is the responsibility of the student to learn the techniques as instructed by the instructors.
What should I expect at a tournament (shi-ai)?
- Generally, tournament registration forms can be found on the Nanka website or our website. Pre-registering will usually save you some money.
- Tournament fees can vary but generally are between $25-$50 per tournament. If you are interested in competing, please talk to any instructor about details.
- All tournaments are on the NankaJudo.com website.
- Tournaments vary in style but generally are arranged by age and weight class. Novice tournaments are strongly encouraged for all beginners.
- Tournaments (shiai) are a great way to test your skill with other students from other clubs (dojo). Your uniform (judo-gi) must be at proper length and must not have any holes.
- Instructors will coach the students at the tournaments.
- Once at a high level, students are encouraged to compete in “state”, “national” and even “international” level tournaments.
How are competition points earned?
Promotional points are earned for entering outside tournaments (shi-ai). Tournament attendance and placing will result in quicker promotions. Once a brown belt, it is the responsibility of the student to keep their own win/loss records for promotions. For every 12 points, you will be promoted to the next rank. Please talk to any instructor (sensei) for further details.
- We encourage diets strong in “protein” for recovery and “carbohydrates” for energy throughout the year. Fruits and vegetables are a great source of nutrients.
- Bananas are great to prevent cramping in the muscles.
- The week of a tournament is the time to load up on carbohydrates such as rice, pasta, etc.
Physical Fitness:
- Every student should maintain a healthy weight throughout the year. If you are overweight, get on a weight loss program and reduce your weight to a healthy recommended weight.
- Yonen (12 and under): 25+ push-ups a day; 25+ sit-ups a day; run and play outside at least an hour a day; stretching exercises everyday
- Shonen (13-16): 50+ push-ups a day; 50+ sit-ups a day; Cardio exercises; stretching exercises everyday
- Seinen (17 and over): 50+ push-ups a day; 50+ sit-ups a day; Cardio exercises; stretching exercises everyday
- Limit tv/computer time; try to walk/run everyday. Consistency is important.
- We encourage a strong balance in life.
Recommendations before, during and after judo practice.
Before Practice:
- Important: If you are not feeling well, please stay home.
- If your child has any infectious disease (ie. chicken pox, ringworm, flu, etc), your child must be “cured” before coming back to practice.
- Give enough time to digest your food prior to practice. Do not eat after 5pm.
- Come to practice plenty hydrated.
- Make sure students go to the restroom before, not during practice.
- Fingernails and toenails should be neatly trimmed. Long nails may chip or break during practice.
- Be on the mat before 7pm. Being late only inhibits proper warm-ups and exercises to prevent injury.
- Uniforms (judo-gi) should be clean and fit properly. If your judo-gi is torn or have holes, it must be repaired prior to practice.
- Bring slippers to practice. Absolutely, no bare feet off the mats. Dirty feet is strictly prohibited
- All girls or women must wear a t-shirt or rash guard under the gi.
- No jewelry or metal of any kind should be worn during practice. (ie. ear rings, necklaces, rings, etc)
- Wearing pads or braces (ie. knee pads, knee braces) are encouraged to wear but no “metal” shall be exposed.
During Practice:
- No horseplay on the mat during practice time. “Fooling around” is the biggest reason why kids get hurt.
- Any discipline can and will be enforced by any instructor (sensei).
- The kids may bring water to practice as they will get thirsty. Water breaks are given during practice.
- Parents are always encouraged to watch their children during practice, but not intervene.
- The Japanese cultural aspect is heavily emphasized in our club (dojo). Any disrespect to any other student or instructor (sensei) will result in discipline by ANY INSTRUCTOR.
- If bleeding occurs during practice, the student needs to be removed from practice until bleeding stops.
- Injuries can occur in judo. It is up to the student to decide to continue practicing after any injury. Any instructor (sensei) reserves the right to pull a student out of practice if they think the injury is serious.
After Practice:
- Please wash your uniform (judo-gi) AFTER EVERY PRACTICE.
- DO NOT put “judo-gi” in the dryer; always “air” dry your judo-gi to prevent shrinkage.
- Please abide by sanitary and hygienic practices for the sake of others.
- Parents are encouraged to stay and talk to the instructors about any concerns of their children.
- We strongly encourage all students to run, stretch and exercise EVERYDAY to maintain optimum conditioning.
- Parents should be aware of future tournaments and encourage their children to compete in tournaments.